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An assessment and evaluation that is based on scientific foundations, is an inseparable part of a contemporary education process.  At our school, we not only evaluate the students with the exam results, but by taking into account their overall development and growth in social as well as academic areas.


Assessment is a tool which is used to determine what students know rather than determining what they do not know.  Parallel to assessment, evaluation provides an opportunity for teachers to hold a mirror to themselves in professional and technical areas.  In order to reach our academic objectives, we assess the academic knowledge using various tools and evaluate it as we follow the learning process closely.  The inadequacies identified in this process are reintroduced into the planning process in order to deal with them in a timely manner.  Our school is equipped with necessary programs and tools for evaluation, analyses of all essay-type and multiple choice exams.  As a result of these analyses, the class activities are either changed or developed and remedial and study hall programs or topic specific research homework is put into effect.  Assessment and evaluation studies are important at our school in order to teach in compliance with “The Complete Learning Model”.  We define objectives, teach, and then through assessment and evaluation determine the knowledge that is learned and what needs re-doing and /or consolidating.  We then include those areas in our lesson planning sessions so as to ensure those areas are re-visited.


At our school, the evaluative studies are carried out basically as formative and summative evaluations.  Formative evaluation aims at enabling the student to reflect on and be aware of how s/he studies, and reaches current level of success, and which methods used in this process are effective and which were not.  The formative part of the study aims at raising awareness about what the students have learned and how they learned it.  When the process is being evaluated, the intermediate steps and the outcomes these steps are identified and discussed with the students and periodic feedback are given to them.  Generally evaluations are made using a rubric and graded accordingly.  As for the summative evaluation; it is concerned with the final work.  Only the product and not the process is graded.