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The main goal of math course is to develop positive attitudes towards Mathematics, to enable them apply relevant skills in daily practices and encourage them to solve the problems faced, by using logic and knowledge. Students realize that Mathematics is a universal language.



The main goal of math course is to develop positive attitudes towards Mathematics, to enable them apply relevant skills in daily practices and encourage them to solve the problems faced, by using logic and knowledge. Students realize that Mathematics is a universal language.


Through themes and topics students acquire critical thinking skills, learn to organize their thoughts, establish relations between nature, shapes and figures, make analysis and express their thoughts systematically. The information is delivered through various activities and methods to maintain their interest and curiosity.



In general there are four main topics in mathematics: numbers, algebra, measurement, geometry , statistics and probability. The main emphasis is on arithmetic skills such as mastering operations with directed numbers, fractions, decimals and percentages. Problem-solving, practical work and inquiry techniques are used. They calculate the areas and volumes of geometrical shapes, work on the relationships between the shapes of the objects and their uses. They learn to collect and organize statistical information, plot graphics by using this information. They solve problems, related with permutations, combinations and probability and do modular arithmetic .They are able to do simple algebraic operations. They can also solve first-degree equations with one and two unknowns.


The usage of relevant technology and software helps the students to have interactive experience. The course is supported by IT integrated  lessons. The students are encouraged to transfer their math knowledge and skills to many areas of school life, such as clubs, activities and projects. 


International Mathematics Competitions


At our school we encourage the students to take some international exams on various subjects to check their progress at international standards. Every year a group of elected students from 6th, 7th and 8th grades join the  American Mathematics Competition- AMC -8 and Gauss Mathematics Exam. Students also join European international maths exams like Mathematics Without Borders and online mathematics competitions such as Mathletics . 


Math Fun Week


Every year, on the week of the Pi Day, the mathematics department of our school organizes math fun activities. The students calculate the number Pi and do some team activities to enjoy  doing maths.


Mathematics Teams


The members of the maths teams are elected through an exam . Strategy games like Abalone, Katamino, Quoridor and international mathematics exam questions are the main activities  held at the team’s working hours. The teams also join some regional maths competitions.