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In visual arts lessons, the students are introduced to elements of art, simple printing techniques, knowledge of light/medium and dark values and paper shaping.
Art program is an integration of study of aesthetics, art criticism, art history and art production. It aims educating students who are self-confident and creative; who like to produce artwork; who like to transform; who can perceive new things. The program enables students viewing and discussing art, reading and writing about art. It is a global means of communication and expression.
At the art studios the students are provided variety of materials where students gain knowledge and skills. Waste  materials are used to teach students an awareness of recycling. The students’ work is displayed in the school corridors and exhibition room. Through art students can create images and objects in response to how and what they see in the world around them.


The process of self- discovery is very essential part of the program that helps the students to realize their individuality and enhance their capability in other cognitive fields. The theoretical part of art is also an important component of the program. Art History is included at all levels ,students study and learn about classical and contemporary artists, their approaches and different periods. They have the chance to visit Art Museums and examine art work to develop an understanding.


Starting from grade 1, students are given many chances to experiment different techniques and different materials . Students learn line drawings, color picture techniques, to enhance imagination and express emotions. They are introduced to elements of art, simple printing techniques, knowledge of light/medium and dark values and paper shaping. For 3D studies recycled materials are used to creating and molding different objects and shapes. Ceramics is another tool used to promote 3D work. Students are encouraged to develop skills through design, drawing and painting. They are also introduced to art criticism and self-assessment techniques. They also study figurative and non-figurative design, proportioning for portraits and reproductions.


Art program covers different themes and some cross curricular projects. As multicultural art, besides improving art skills, students gain knowledge about different cultures and traditions and transform this information to their work.





Interdisciplinary activities are supported by the art work of the students. Hand painted tshirts, costumes are designed and made by the students to be used at their stage performances.


The exhibitions and the museums are visited to introduce the different artists and their artwork to the students.