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Dear Parents and Students,


Izmir SEV Schools were founded, subject to supervision of Turkish Ministry of Education, by the Health and Education Foundation in 1997 under the light of over one hundred years of experience of SEV American Schools. A rich academic program is in place to support the versatile development of our students at our school, which is committed to the Principles and Reforms of Ataturk and which provides education in line with the principles of Turkish National Education. In addition to targeting acquisition of maximum level of cognitive, social-emotional and physical skills by our students, raising individuals, who can express themselves correctly and who are in peace with themselves and their environment, is among  our main objectives with this program that we developed with our expert academic staff.  With our student-centered activities, elaborated with focus on skill acquisition, the performance evaluations of our students are completed under the principle of uniqueness of each child.

The education understanding of our schools, which are accredited by CIS
(Council of International Schools) in conformity with international standards, takes the questioning and interpretation of knowledge as the basis; and values learning by experience. The activities carried out are designed to raise productive, creative individuals with critical thinking, and to develop their problem-solving skills, feeling of competence and self-confidence. 

SEV students, who are raised in line with the target of graduating with the fundamental skills and competences of the 21st century, are supported to become individuals with an established cultural identity, global point of view, high level of awareness, digital efficiency, who can communicate effectively in their native language and in English, and who are aware of their social responsibilities and equipped with fundamental scientific and technological qualifications.


We say everything starts with SEV and we believe that every child is unique. We caress all our children and families as the SEV Family.






Yours sincerely,


Bilgen Hüseyinoğlu