Policies and Standards
As part of the development of technology literacy skills, our school has been collaborating with different national and international institutions for many years. Our program is formed within the framework of the standards provided by the following institutions.
ISTE - International Society for Technology in Education standarts
Common Sense Media - Reviews & Resources Parent Concerns Recognition & Community
Next Generation Science Standards
Computer Science Teachers Association K-4 CS standards
At İzmir SEV Schools, it is important in our distance learning process that our students and teachers have the necessary knowledge and equipment related to digital privacy and security issues, and that education is carried out in environments where personal data is protected.
All school stakeholders implement the policy on the use of technology within the framework of the code of ethics in accordance with the “Common Sense” and “CIS” rules, which we are accredited with.
1:1 iPad & BYOD: Bring Your Own Device
iPad & BYOD: The Bring Your Own Device Program supports the distance education process directly. Our middle school students bring their own iPads to school and use them in educational settings.
Information Systems:
İzmir SEV Schools use the SmartClass student information system. Thanks to this system, our parents can access the demographic, academic, and school behavior data of our students and follow their development.
This system is also used to record demographic information of students and to display letters and messages sent to parents.
ConnectED Platform (Blackboard LMS)
A web-based learning platform (ConnectED) is used as an effective learning environment at all grade levels in İzmir SEV Schools. In the ConnectED application, students can access our synchronous and asynchronous course content (units, subject content, work sheets, presentations, classroom work samples, assignments, resources and original videos developed by our teachers with digital design experts) prepared by our teachers for each course. Our students can follow the curriculum, weekly clubs, and activities using the application and join live lessons through the system, while our teachers can design their own course content on the system as online modules.
In addition, ConnectED is a learning platform that allows our students to study or repeat the subjects they have learned in the classroom at their own pace according to their individual needs and receive instant feedback. The system can report the student's academic development, strengths, and improvement areas, and allows student development to be closely monitored.
Video Conferencing Systems
In the distance learning process, the contribution of all stakeholders to the process is of great importance. In this sense, the communication and cooperation between our teachers, students, and parents are very important for the academic and social development of our students. Zoom and Microsoft Teams are used in distance learning in our schools for various meetings, events, and activities such as online classes, parent meetings, individual meetings, workshops, and seminars at all grade levels from preschool to middle school.
In the courses created synchronously and asynchronously within the framework of our distance learning system, many different digital tools are used depending on the age group of the students and the content of the applied course. In addition to these tools, there are various applications and instruments that our students and teachers use for measurement-evaluation and e-portfolio presentations. Some of these tools are mentioned below.
Google Learning Tools
Google tools are used for our students and teachers to access files and emails. Each student and teacher has unlimited email and file storage space. Students and teachers can use all Google tools in their work.