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SEV provides an English language program that equips students to be confident and strong users of the language. The program is designed to put SEV students on the same footing as children throughout other English-speaking countries.


Click for detailed information about the Elementary school English program.




At our school, English constitutes a major part of our school life from Kindergarten to Grade 8. The goal of our English program is to enable our students to use this language effectively in speech, listening, writing and reading. This journey of language-learning that the students embark on with the acquisition of basic knowledge and skills progresses to conducting researches, project management, writing skits and taking part in drama performances, literary analysis and writing various types of essays.


A high quality English learning, which is one of the main objectives of our school, is enriched with the licensed native English speaking teachers who come from prestigious schools in Europe and North America and their unique cultural backgrounds. Our foreign teachers help our students to learn about different traditions and model what it means to be a world citizen.

The atmosphere that is created to support the use of English at our school is enriched with creative in and out of class activities, presentations and performances which in turn provides a non-threatening environment for the use of a new language.


Our students are encouraged to attend external examinations such as Cambridge ESOL, Mathletics, Gauss and AMC-8 Math exams in order have their language progress be evaluated not only within the Turkish education system, but also on an international platform.




Our highly qualified, licenced teachers that come from prestigious North American and European schools integrate English into the daily school life effectively. The cultural aspects of Anglophone countries are intervowen with the language education to bring an added value to our students’ learning experience that enriches their perspective. Through this familiarization with western cultural aspects and traditions, our students adopt an open-minded approach to different cultures which is important in becoming a global citizen.

Additionally, it is a school custom to have end of the year English performances and fairs at our school. English choirs, musicals, theatrical performances and interactive fairs not only help develop the students’ language skills but also contributes to their social-emotional development.

As the students’ language skills develop, they start taking part in international events and competitions that allow them to use their English to express their ideas and opinions on global platforms with their peers.